Sunday, September 19, 2010


this pair of peace sign TOMS was ordered through email by a customer for her girlfriend "erica" and is the reason i require that all customers PREPAY!! for their custom TOMS orders. upon completion of this very specific order for handpainted TOMS, i could never reach the customer for payment and a shipping address. DUMB! now these TOMS is out at the store waiting for the just the right customer- basically an erica that wears a size 7.5 and wants black TOMS with white peace signs and her name in light blue. ah. they might be sitting a while, but at least we've stirred up lots of orders similar to this pair! and maybe, just maybe, the right girl will eventually come along and we'll have her perfect pair waiting for her!


Anonymous said...

I may be interested in your Erica peace sign size 7.5 Toms. Are they still available and what is the asking price?

cheriebabe10 said...

How do you order custom Toms?

Sachi C. said...

they are 300 dollars