Thursday, November 29, 2007


how lucky was i do these 3ft. signs as a custom order! they embody everything i believe and strive for through my work at harts n crafts. now i need to make two for the store's permanent collection!


ashleejo said...

i love the "in order to be irreplaceable. . ." it's great. . . i wish you could see me right now. i'm avoiding a paper/project and i'm wearing chemistry lab goggles. . . haha, it's qutie a sight! i forgot that i have a christmas party next tuesday so i need to come get presents on saturday! i can't wait to see you!

brandy said...

hey lady...i am so down with getting some cuffs in your shop! cant believe i didnt think to ask already!

email me:
bgirl_creation at yahoo dot com

talk soon!

Sarah Beth said...

Its Sarah Beth! I just found your blog and I was wondering what the name of that book was that I bought from your store that is red and it ask questions and you have to answer them. I gave one to my boyfriend Joe all filled out and now he wants one but I don't know where to get one. Are you coming to Abilene for the holidays??? If you are I want another!!
Let me

Love your stuff!

Unknown said...

Hey those were for me! Thanks my friends loved them they actually cried they were soo happy!