Monday, November 2, 2009


venturing into new craft arenas, i have been interested in designing greeting cards for a while now. this is one i made for my good friend meredith. today is her birthday. and next week she's moving to california. i will miss her so much! but i hope she keeps this card and remembers me and all the fun times we shared along the way.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i love this pair of TOMS. i love most pairs of TOMS i paint. and others paint. handpainted TOMS are such a great outlet for self expression. i really like the colors rachel picked out for this pair and the white daisy on the toe is so sweet and summery and fun!


this pair of TOMS is a funky twist on our traditional zebra pattern. i think the love of animal print proves that patterns in nature are equally as beautiful as any man-made print. RAWR!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i've had lots of good response from this pair of TOMS. i personally LOVE them and plan to recreate the grey/kiwi combo to sell in HNC. possibly with a little yellow to make them cute little baylor bear TOMS. i'm excited lauren is hittin' the streets of mounds, oklahoma to represent our handpainted TOMS!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


sometimes my art goes in a different direction that surprises even me. i'm really excited about this process, splatter paint mixed with collage is my new favorite. so refreshing!


these pretty magnets are handpainted by a crafty little lady in louisiana. she found our shop while evacuating from a hurricane a year ago and we've been buying her pretty magnets ever since. what a lucky find!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


aw. so cute. my first pair of greek TOMS. the university yellow TOMS are from the spring 09 collection and we're running very low on them. i'm so glad this lucky little lady found a pair in her size! fun!


both pairs of these TOMS are for moms of high school students. they plan to wear them to all the football games this fall. how cute! aaron keeps insisting that i paint a pair of green and gold TOMS for baylor. it's a great idea since the start of a new semester is just around the corner.

maybe you should show your school spirit and order a pair today!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


here's another piece of dorm room art. it's all yours for only $35. what a steal!

don't forget too that you can have custom order art work in ANY colors and ANY sayings, quotes, bible verses, etc. you are limited only by your own imagination. come by and chat with us! we have LOTS of ideas and can walk you through the ordering process! score!

Friday, July 10, 2009


more dorm room art at your finger tips. this cutie is for sale at HNC for $29.50. we're open monday-saturday 10-5pm. check it. check it. check out now.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


i've started modge podging again. it's one of my all-time favorite art forms. i just never seem to take the time to drag out all of the supplies required to complete a project. yesterday, i started and finished this composition book in only a couple of hours. victory!

for only $19.50, this journal can be yours. all yours. for all your sweet thoughts and heart's desires.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


this pair of TOMS is for a baylor student. he requested the orange and green from the indian flag, his name on the side with the colors fading from light green to baby blue, and a symbol on top. i keep meaning to ask what it means but regardless, i think this pair of TOMS turned out great. and exactly as he requested!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


here's the first in a series of canvases i recently painted in an attempt to get HNC fully stocked for the freshman frenzy that's about to occur. august is a big month for us as eager students move into the dorms and start decorating. inspiring quotes are always a favorite. here's a pretty piece of art that's yours for only $35. bargain!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


i've sold most all of my sample pairs of TOMS at the store, so i've painted this sweet pair to put out for sale. if you wear a size 9.5 you're in luck. they'll be in HNC on wednesday! this is the first time i've added little accent stripes to the trim and it seems to be the perfect touch. i'm wondering now if i should add something to the toes, but i think a section of solid color offsets the patterning nicely. score!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


more zebra TOMS!! this is the first time i've painted zebra TOMS with red accents but by the looks of it, this is a winning combo. wild and crazy! rawr!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


the 80s are back in full force at harts n crafts. we are very into splatter painting and bright colors right now and apparently its just what our customers wanted! product is flying off the walls. lucky for me this process is SO MUCH FUN!! here's what my setup looks like at home in austin.

Friday, June 26, 2009


i finally laid to rest (ie. threw away) the very first pair of TOMS i ever owned. they were so good to me and had been through so much trauma. right after painting them i went to a gallows shows during SXSW. i stood front and center in the middle of a mosh pit and they were stepped on and muddied more than i thought possible in the short time they played. luckily with a little soap and water and fresh coat of paint they looked good as new. wear and tear wore them out further, as they had been the only pair of shoes i'd worn since i painted them. finally kerrville folk festival put them out of their misery. 5 days of walking lots of miles around the campsite busted out the seam, and upon returning home i deemed them unwearable. i finally threw them in the garbage a week or so ago. luckily i took a picture to begin the documentation of my TOMS timeline. they were the first in what i'm sure will be a very long line of TOMS shoes i'll own. now i've moved onto a pair of tie-dyed TOMS, compliments of ashlee, one of our lovely HNC employees. they are equally as comfortable, cute, and conversation worthy. still they're pretty much the only pair of shoes i wear. they go with nothing but match everything. i'm in love with TOMS and you should be too. start your own TOMS timeline

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


this pair of hand-painted TOMS turned out so so so well by accident. after not receiving a shipment of white TOMS for almost four weeks we became VERY behind on custom orders. i searched literally all over austin for a pair of white toms to paint green peace signs on as our customer ordered. the closest pair aaron found was a pair of tan TOMS when he was at whole foods. amazingly these are eco-friendly hemp TOMS and work cohesively with the peace signs for a nice earthy feel. now we need to carry these in HNC bc i just love them! be on the look out!

Friday, May 29, 2009


oh gosh. these are undeniably my FAVORITE TOMS yet. wow. wow. wow. i've only finished one but i had to post a picture ASAP. they're a custom order for a lucky little lady in the dallas area. i seriously might have to paint a pair for myself!


laura thinks these are perfect for the 4th of july. i think they're perfect for just about anytime. red and baby blue is a popular color combination at HNC these days and splatter paint is so in right now! these are available for sale in the store or custom order a pair in the colors of your choice!


AT LAST!!! our shipment of summer TOMS arrived! four fresh and delicious styles for your wearing pleasure. all are so so so cute- seersucker, anchors and the village quote. you can't go wrong whichever you pick. but i can't stress enough the importance of coming in QUICK! this season's styles are very very limited.


these sweet canvases are for a lucky little boy. it's not often i do things for boys but this was an awesome challenge. luckily aaron drew the pictures and penciled on the text for me. look out pottery barn kids, HNC can paint ANYTHING you little heart likes!

Friday, May 15, 2009


amazing isn't it. that we paint something other than shoes! surprisingly we've only recently started painting TOMS. for the past 7 years we've been painting more along the lines of these cute woooden letters. they are a custom order for a lucky little boy!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


finally!! i've painted a pair of animal print TOMS. these are for my good friend liz. she attended our TOMS painting party last week and i finished up her shoes with the leopard patterning on the sides. liz LOVES shoes but i bet none that she owns are quite like these. meow!


my second pair of BEEF TOMS have been ordered!! this time by a cute, sweet bu student. i'm so so so thrilled she wanted something a little random. how fun! and i hope andrea gets lots of questions and comes up with sharp answers about why she has BEEF written across her toes. :) scroll down and onto the next page to see the first pair i painted for my friend beef. he was excited to hear someone else wanted a pair. do you want a pair of beef toms? i would love love love to paint them for you!!


this pair of hand-painted TOMS was custom ordered by a baylor student for her lucky mom for mother's day. TOMS make a great gift because not only are you giving a pair of cute shoes to someone you love, but you're also giving a pair to a child in need. to find out more about TOMS mission, check out their website--

Friday, May 1, 2009


....or is it? i've had lots of questions asked in the making of these TOMS. and i'd like to think they're self-explanatory but i'm not sure anyone knows what "bro life" is. i'm not sure i truly do either but would like to think it's about having really good guy friends who ultimately exist as a second family. hmmmm. ???? thoughts? regardless. i think these shoes are pretty hot, a little edgy and very conversation worthy-- all of which i'm sure the owner will love.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


here's the finished version of the hand-painted TOMS i started below. what do you think? this is my most detailed pair yet: crosses, flowers, and the bible verse jeremiah 17:7-8. this proves that really ANYTHING is possible on a pair of cute TOMS

Monday, April 27, 2009


these are so fun! and they're not even finished!! i'm out of the green and aqua for the toe and trim but i think these are simply great as is! check back soon for the finished product!


recently HNC had a TOMS shoes giveaway. the winner LOVED our new twinkle toe style and picked out funky fun colors to compliment her sweet personality! check them out!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


here's a cute new style for you! inspired by one of my customers who hand-painted her TOMS, i decided to try my hand at stars. i've been dying to paint something grey and yellow, and i also believe that anything can be made better with pink, so i think these are pretty perfect! if you wear a size 9, you're in luck! they'll be in HNC today, and you can wear them outta the store for $69. otherwise, order yourself a pair of twinkle toe shoes in this or ANY color combination.


these hand-painted TOMS are for my sweet friend katie. she is so so so talented at crafting. she used to live in austin but now lives in florida. i think she'll be excellent advertisement for HNC's customizable TOMS. check out her funky fun products at and coming soon, IN HARTS N CRAFTS!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


our new neighbor sara tried her hand at painting a pair of TOMS. they turned out so so so well. i am excited to take them to waco and put them out for sale! do you wear a size 5? for only $79, you can wear this pretty work of art on your happy little feet!!! but there's only one pair, so hurry in!


the owner of these TOMS spotted a girl with a cute pair of custom painted shoes in one of her classes and wondered where she could get a pair herself. after googling "hand-painted toms", harts n crafts popped up second on the list right after the official TOMS website. HOW EXCITED!!! were we to find out this good news. we'll keep the hand-painted TOMS coming.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


my sweetest pair of TOMS yet if i do say so. bekah and her boyfriend came in and ordered TOMS last week. this is her pair. she requested red,blue, and gold with a daisy on the toe. so cute. i will have to recreate this design for sure!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEEF. it's what's for dinner.

...but he's also our good friend!! beef is the founder of HIGH SOCIETY- a party planning, fun having, music promotion company. here's what he says about it...."We keep our ear to the street so you never miss a beat." i'm collaborating with beef to host a TOMS painting party here in austin. check back (soon hopefully) for more news on that. it should be a doozie. i'm really excited!

in the mean time i painted a pair of TOMS for him to sport around town in an attempt to stir up conversation. are you a social butterfly? do you know lots-o-people? are you interested in being one of my TOMS correspondents? let me know! it could earn you a free pair of shoes to your liking and tons of business cards to pass out. it's a pretty sweet deal. just ask beef when you see him on the street.


in an attempt to be creative with the camera i came up with this. i was doing a photo shoot for beef's TOMS as seen above and realized that i could see my reflection in the glass door. big revelations. ha.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


my newest pair of TOMS. these i painted for myself. it was so much pressure since i paint all day for other people but never really take the time to think about what colors i really really really like AND would want to wear on my feet. they turned out perfectly and are SO me. and i've gotten lots of compliments! which is really exciting! want your own pair in your favorite colors? order them from harts n crafts for only $69! it's the perfect accessory for spring!